End of Week Roundup! [Issue #77]

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End of Week Roundup! [Issue #77]

Happy Friday from Beem!

Another week, another Roundup here for you: let’s see what’s been shaking the Tech, Comms and HR world this week! But before we dive in: don’t forget to send us an email to hey@wearebeem.com if you have a story you want to share! Whether it’s about leadership, HR, innovation, company culture or communications or even your own story, we’re keen to learn, so share it with us and we may feature your post in our upcoming issue.

Right, what’s been making waves this week? Check this out and join the discussion below!




Why office culture is the most valuable employee benefit



The benefits package offered by employers is just one element an employee considers when joining, remaining or leaving an organization. The most important one is arguably a company’s office culture: investing in developing the organization’s working culture has long-term benefits and the work put into the development process becomes engrained into the usual way in which the company works, making the results continuous and the costs (if any) predictable.

What’s that? You’re wondering how many elements can you promote as employee benefits? Well, usually what you offer demonstrates how you value staff without the use of faceless and hit-or-miss benefits, which could be offered by any other employer!

To figure out the rest, check this article out!



How 5G will help startups soar



Change is coming – and quickly. Following years of anticipation, the next generation of mobile technology has finally arrived. In cities across the UK, 5G networks are being switched on.

The new mobile data standard promises to make downloading movies, large apps and more almost instantaneous. But there’s more to 5G than vastly quicker connections to the internet. Lowering latency – the delay between devices interacting – to almost nothing opens the door to a vast range of new possibilities. This applies to businesses as much as to consumers and will be a platform for new ideas and innovation.

How can startups benefit from all of this?



The new age of consumer loyalty rests on data security



Ask any marketing professional what holds the key to successful marketing in 2019 and into the next five years and they will all say data. In particular, it’s the use of data to create personalized services, products and messages, and as such improve segmentation.

How companies use our data has always seemed like voodoo. In the past, it’s been a challenge to keep up with one company’s policy versus another. And it’s always seemed quite a complex psychology – we don’t like the intrusion of marketing and know we should be careful, yet data policies get in the way of buying things.

Will this change over the course of the next years?



Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments section below and we’ll feature your article in next week’s Roundup!

Also, let us know what type of content you guys want more or less of, we’re all ears!

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